Woodlands Drama Group started life in 1969 as a parent/teacher initiative at Woodlands School, Wetherby Road. Some of its founder members, including our President, Lilian Wilcocks, are still very active in the group today.
Woodlands School provided a performing venue until 1998 when circumstances forced the group to move to Harrogate Theatre Studio.
Despite its move away from the Woodlands community, the group managed to retain its core support. It also acquired a new audience as a result of performing in a town centre venue. The group mounts two productions a year at Harrogate Theatre Studio (usually in June and October) Every March it also participates in the competitive Nidderdale and District Drama Festival (an inaugural round of the All England Theatre Festival) where it regularly wins major trophies. When opportunities arise the group puts on other productions. For example, in 2005, it made its debut at the Nidderdale Summer Festival with an evening of comedy at Middlesmoor Village Hall. Similar evenings have also been mounted at Trinity Methodist Church. Two recent summer productions at Harrogate Theatre Studio ( Habeas Corpus and Our Day Out) have been taken to Henshaws College. In May 2011 Woodlands staged a Murder Mystery evening ( at Beckwithshaw Village Hall).
Woodlands continually strives to expand its artistic boundaries and, at the same time, provide its public with the chance to enjoy works that do not feature in standard amateur repertoire.
Click here for a full play list of current and past performances.