The next Woodlands Drama Group fringe production will be “Teechers” by John Godber. This production will, all being well, take place
at The St.Roberts club in January.
Howard writes: “‘Teechers’ is a fast moving and highly entertaining play within a play and evokes life at a modern comprehensive school as seen through the eyes of three Yr11 school leavers – Salty(Ian), Hobby(Lilian) and Gail. They are particularly inspired by their time with Mr. Jeff Nixon, the new drama teacher who ignited their passion for the stage with his idealism and belief that all children should be treated equally. Through the ‘play’ Mr Nixon progresses through two terms of recalcitrant classes, cynical colleagues and obstructive caretakers. In the end disillusioned he departs for a safer private school.”
With well over 20 characters appearing there is plenty of scope for lots of people to be involved.
A further reading of “Teechers” will be held as follows:-
At : Brackenfield School, 128 Duchy Road, Harrogate, HG1 2HE
On: Monday September 25th at 7.30pm
All welcome even if you do not intend to audition.
For further details, please contact Howard directly.